We Communicate Benefits
The two words “information” and “communication” are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out and communication is getting through. (Sydney H. Harris)
Open Enrollment
A multimedia communication strategy is key to awareness and participation in an active or passive enrollment.
New Hire Benefits Orientation
Benefits play a major role when choosing an employer. Showcase yours for prospects and engage new hires in benefits when they are most eager to learn about their new employer.
Ongoing Benefits Education
Engage employees in their benefit resources, covered preventive care benefits, and how best to use their benefits.

What is the 7 x 7Marketing Rule?
We Do
Applying a marketing rule to benefits communication, it’s critical to communicate a message 7 ways, 7 different ways before someone takes action. Compare how products are marketed relentlessly on TV and in the media to be sure everyone gets the message.